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Think About What You're Thinking About

There has been much concern recently with the impact of ISOLATION during a social distancing that is theoretically expected to level the curve for COVID-19. The degree of loneliness that some people are experiencing has taken a huge toll on the emotional and mental state, as well as on the individual spiritual health.

So, for the message this week, I’d like to focus on maintaining holistic stability during an isolation that has the propensity to create a feeling of loneliness. I believe that it is important to understand the impact and the approach to healing for not only the physical body, but also for the emotions, the mind, and the spirit. For we certainly can’t expect to survive, thrive and be revived after this season passes without understanding and dealing with the potential for long-term effects from a short-term societal mandate for separation.

From a medical perspective, loneliness is reported as being almost as dangerous as obesity and can exacerbate several medical conditions. From a psychological perspective, the emotional and mental impact can increase episodes of depression and can cause stress. From a spiritual perspective, the enemy often uses solitude as a mechanism to plant seeds of discouragement and to use his deceptive tactics to exaggerate low self-esteem and feelings of personal inadequacies.

So, the question is this; How does one combat loneliness when there appears to be no alternative to being alone?

I believe that one of the best approaches might be to attempt to find peace and joy within these moments of quietness. Paul’s letter to the Church in Philippi provides instructions on how we can direct our focus. These instructions can certainly be followed during this pandemic to accomplish stability in this season of isolation.

Paul writes , “Finally, brothers and sisters, Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and praiseworthy. Philippians 4:8 NLT

This text reminds us of the importance of “thinking about what we are thinking about” during this time. Our thoughts in this time alone can significantly affect our response when this is behind us.

So, every day, make a point to think about (be mindful of) what you are thinking regarding this unprecedented situation.

Think about (be mindful of) what you think concerning your ability to get through this.

Finally, think about (be mindful of) how you can remain strong and healthy in the midst of it.

Paul says to “think about things that are excellent or praiseworthy.”

So, fix your thoughts on what is praiseworthy such as the number who survived rather than the number that died.

Fix your thoughts on everything you did right and excellent rather than the decision you made that turned out wrong.

Think about things that are excellent and praiseworthy because, in times like these -

… What you think about – MATTERS.

“Then the God of peace with be with you.” Verse 9

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